Project Description

Eliza’s Bloggershouse icw NTO Cyprus

35 posts
13 Tweets
143 posts
27 blogs

The Briefing

In buying behavior consumers prefer genuine recommendations from someone they know; friends, family and micro-influencers. Some studies even show that micro-influencers have the biggest impact within this ‘inner circle’ because of credibility and knowledgeably. Eliza was here wanted to test and measure that impact of micro influencers.

The Objective

The goal was to create trustworthy stories about the brand Eliza was here and her concept by creating brand ambassadors.

The Strategy

We searched for micro-influencers with a specific profile, all passionate about food/ culinary – travel combination. We made sure they would get the best authentic and culinary experience possible by and with local people.

In exchange we asked … nothing. Because we were confident and convinced that they would be so enthusiastic they would post true and credible stories themselves.

Whenever the experience is great, the created content will be as well. Together with our partners we were confident to facilitate an extraordinary experience by staying away from the crowds and find the small pearls of the destination.

Roel Verwiel, Brand Manager Eliza was here

The Solution

Eliza was here invited 13 micro-influencers to a country house on Cyprus where they could experience the other side of the island, its people and ts treasures. Off the beaten track, just what we promise as a brand.


Media Approach

No media. We only counted on the network of the influencer

An impression

The casemovie

The Results

Reach: 1,1 million (the total number of people reached with this campaign)

Earned media value: 327.000 euro (the total sum of media value earned with this campaign with only 45k out of pocket investment)

Return on investment: the benchmark within travel influencer marketing shows a multiplier of 2.25. This means that every Euro spent results in €2.25 earned media value. This bloggers house campaign resulted in a multiplier of 7.26. An excellent return on investment for Eliza was here and NTO Cyprus.