Flemish people spend 70% of their audio time on live radio

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Live radio, digital radio stations, music streaming services, podcasts… The audio market is in full evolution.This is the conclusion of the Audio Time Study that charts the audio consumption of Belgians. 

The CIM Audio Time 2021 study charts audio consumption in Belgium by means of an online survey of 3,457 Belgians (aged 12-74) during the period 25/10/21-30/12/21. The survey was conducted by Ipsos.

What stands out in Flanders?

1. Live radio takes up the largest share of the audio time of the Flemish people with 70%.
There is a clear generational difference:

Among the under-25s, live radio accounts for approximately 30% of audio time.
Among the over-55s, live audio time hovers around 90%.

2. The Flemish listen mainly during the weekdays, at home, at work and in the car
The Flemish primarily listen to audio during the week (an average of 325 minutes per day) and mainly at home. Listening at work or school comes in second. Third comes listening in the car.

3. Podcasts amount to 2% of the total audio time of the Flemish population
Podcasts comprise a limited share of 2% of the total audio time of the Flemish population.

The 18-24 year olds and the 25-34 year olds have the largest share, with 7% and 6% of the total audio time respectively.

4. 15% of the audio time is taken up by music streaming
Music streaming is especially popular among under-24s, where it comprises more than 30% of audio time.

5. The radio is the preferred listening device for 35+.
Among younger generations, the smartphone is dominant.

The CIM Audio Time 2021 study charts audio consumption in Belgium by means of an online survey of 3,457 Belgians (aged 12-74) during the period 25/10/21-30/12/21. The survey was conducted by Ipsos. This article is based on the findings of Veerle Hellemans, Head of Market Intelligence at Var. 

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