Senior holidaymaker opts for more and shorter trips

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Recent independent research has shown that seniors spending several winter months on the costas is increasingly uncommon. Today’s 60-and-overs are planning and booking more holidays, and they are going for shorter periods. For those aged 60-70, summer is the most popular time to go on holiday. For the fully retired (the over-70s), spring and autumn are slightly more popular. These guests are looking for relaxation, a steady pace of life and quality time with their loved ones. 

Favourite destinations

As our partners, you probably have noticed: Spain, Greece and Egypt are most popular with this group of holidaymakers, followed by Portugal and Turkey. 

This group favours luxury and service-oriented accommodation. Almost half (47%) opt for a hotel. Over half (51.4%) choose accommodation with at least 4 stars, with the over-70s opting for 4-5 stars. Something to keep in mind when catering to this attractive category of customers! 

Research conducted by Ipsos on behalf of Sunweb Group among 1,200 travellers aged 40+ from the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark. Who have been on holiday in the past 3 years, or plan to travel in the next 6 months.
Research among Sunweb’s own customers. Couples aged 50-65 and 65+ in 2022 and 2023.

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